Treatment Methods

Phosphate treatment: Injection of phosphate compounds in the water system. This will keep the mineral in solution

Ion Exchange Water Softener

Low to moderate levels of iron and manganese usually can be removed by an ion exchange water softener. 

Oxidizing Filter

Moderate Levels of Iron and Manganese can be treated with an oxidizing filter. This is usually a greensand or manufactured zeolite coated manganese oxide. 


Low to Moderate levels can be treated with Aeration. Air is pulled in and mixed with the passing stream of water. The water then flows through filter media screen out the oxidized particles. 

Chemical Oxidation

High levels of dissolved or oxidized iron and manganese can be treated by chemical oxidation. This method is used when organic matter or bacteria are present. 

Most methods for treating sulfur water rely on the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide gas into elemental sulfur, a solid. Oxidation is the process by which soluble or dissolved contaminants are converted to soluble byproducts or insoluble products that can be filtered. This process changes the chemical and physical properties of the reactants. Hydrogen sulfide can be oxidized by several methods. 

  • Remove Taste and Odor with Carbon Filtration
  • Whole House Filtration
  • Remove Sediment

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Iron and Manganese

Iron and Manganese can give water an unpleasant taste, odor and color. Iron causes reddish-brown stains on laundry, porcelain, dishes, utensils, glassware, sinks, fixtures and concrete. Manganese causes brownish-black stains on the same materials. Detergents do not remove these stains. Chlorine bleach and alkaline builders (such as sodium and carbonate) may even intensify the stains. Iron and manganese deposits build up in pipelines, pressure tanks, water heaters and water softening equipment. These deposits restrict the flow of water and reduce water pressure. More energy is required to pump water through clogged pipes and to heat water if heating rods are coated with mineral deposits. This raises energy and water costs. Water contaminated with iron and manganese often contains iron or manganese bacteria. These bacteria feed on the minerals in the water. They do not cause health problems, but do form a reddishbrown (iron) or brownish-black (manganese) slime in toilet tanks and can clog water systems.

A Water Analysis is recommended to determine the correct Treatment Method for your particular water needs and demand. Call us Today @ (210) 859-1707

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Hydrogen Sulfide 

Water containing hydrogen sulfide, commonly called sulfur water, has a distinctive "rotten egg" or swampy odor. Some common names for the gas include sewer gas, stink damp, swamp gas and manure gas. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas formed by the decay of organic matter such as plant material. It is typically found in groundwater containing low levels of dissolved oxygen and a pH less than 6.0. If the pH range of the water is higher (7.0-12.0), the water may contain other forms of sulfur (sulfide or bisulfide). Sulfur bacteria are also found in many drinking water wells and household distribution systems. These harmless bacteria use natural sulfur compounds in water as a food source, thereby producing hydrogen sulfide. Although sulfur bacteria pose no health risk to humans, their presence in drinking water may cause objectionable tastes and odors. 

​Low concentrations irritate the eyes, nose, throat and respiratory system (e.g., burning/ tearing of eyes, cough, shortness of breath).

Orange Water?

Smelly Water?

Hydrogen sulfide in household drinking water is a common nuisance contaminant. Although it is not hazardous to human health, the offensive odor of sulfur water makes treatment desirable. Fortunately, various physical and chemical treatment options are available


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